

 "I"m worried that this drug could be the end of dwarfism altogether," says Ellie Simmonds in new BBC documentary, Ellie Simmonds: A World Without Dwarfism?

As set out by to Great Ormond Street Hospital, infants with achondroplasia often have a curve in the lower spine, that may require a brace and some also develop bow legs, which can be treated with surgery. RGUK lists some more rare associated problems as hearing impairment, breathing problems in young children, hydrocephalus, spinal stenosis, leading to coอ่านต่อได้ที่ โรงเรียนบ้านสวนผึ้ง
สาระน่ารู้ พันธุวิศวกรรมmpression of nerves to the limbs.



Post by could :: Date 2022-05-09 18:38:51

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