Actions such as taking care of...

Actions such as taking care of the people we love.

 before entering the elements that help weave love for a long time The first important thing is to know how to choose a partner. which the basis must start from looking at yourself first that you have the right maturity mature enough And must understand yourself well what we love and like What goals do you have in life? Choosing a partner should choose someone whose lifestyle, education, preferences and preferences are similar to our own. But if we choose a pair with opposite characteristics I have to admit that adjusting to getting along is also difficult. Because different people have different ways of thinking. When they become lovers, they must know how to adapt. to transcend the stage of love towards longevity

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Post by YamiNoMi (Yellow_Plant-at-gmail-dot-com) :: Date 2021-09-24 18:14:08

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