

 Some people, when quarreling arises, they choose to use their emotions to clash violently and cause misunderstandings. In fact, these are things that we can"t control, whether in words or starvegas words. And our actions are able to control it for sure, but if we are unconscious sometimes, we may accidentally do what we do not intend, words that hurt starvegas each other, words that insult them. Often come out  starvegasof us that we are not up to it, if we are thinking about using consciousness to speak a bit, it may not hurt the listener, and sometimes it may make the story that it is not good to pass. Go easy with me, I"m one of those people who do not pay attention to their own words until they sit and think about what we say, it is a word that we are able to think before it is what we think. and ponder before we can make others feel uncomfortable

Post by (jefiro4162-at-xindax-dot-com) :: Date 2022-03-02 17:23:29

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